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Mindset – Are you growing or are you stuck?

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think and feel, and your mindset will ultimately define your success and how you deal with life’s challenges.

Fixed (limited) and Growth mindsets

The two mindsets are, fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are fixed and therefore can't be changed. You believe that your talent and intelligence leads to success, and effort is not required. If you have a growth mindset, youbelieve that your talents and abilities can be developed over time through effort and persistence.

Is it possible to change your mindset?

Your mindset is formed from an early age. The truth is that no one has a growth mindset all of the time, most will toggle between the two. The growth mindset is a constant work in progress which requires on going awareness.

CrossFit training will help you develop a growth mindset. There will be setbacks and missed lifts along the way, but it’s important to remember that one workout won’t define you, however consistency over time will help you become 1% better every day.

We encourage our members not to be afraid to fail, and to believe in themselves to tap into their full potential.

Our Top 5 Mindset Tips
  1. Whatever your goal is, seek out the best people to learn from.

  2. Invest in yourself! Never stop learning (books, courses, researching).

  3. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

  4. Try, fail, try again, and repeat as many times as necessary.

  5. Enjoy the process.

Be aware of the language you use, your words have a huge impact on your life.

You may have heard of ‘Transformational vocabulary’, a technology developed by Tony Robbins to help individuals employ habitual vocabulary to amplify or lower the intensity of emotional states. These words can lessen the intensity of negative states and increase positive states. It is a really interesting concept.

We should be particularly aware of the language we use towards children, and labelling. If a child does well or achieves something, we should merit the effort that went into the achievement. More importantly if they fail, they should be encouraged to dust themselves off and try again, failure should be welcomed as a learning opportunity.

What is my mindset?

Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? To find out, start by reading the following statements and decide which ones you agree with most:

  1. You were born with a certain amount of intelligence and it isn't something that can be changed.

  2. There isn't much you can do to improve your basic abilities and personality.

  3. You are capable of changing who you are.

  4. You can learn new things and improve your intelligence.

  5. You either have particular talents, or you don't.

  6. Working hard, and practicing new skills are all ways to develop new talents and abilities.

If you tend to agree most with statements 1, 2, and 5, then you probably have a more fixed mindset. If you agree most with statements 3, and 4, 6, however, then you probably tend to have a growth mindset.

Hopefully this article helps plant some seeds to help you begin questioning your own mindset. If so and you are curious to learn more, here are some recommendations…

Resources (books)
  • Mindset (by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck) A fantastic book, Dweck explains both mindsets and how everyone can get smarter or more talented with effort.

  • The obstacle is the way (by Ryan Holiday) The book looks at how to use adversity to your advantage.

You get to choose your mindset, why not choose one that brings you towards growth, success and a more fulfilling life? It’s your choice…

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